Tag Archives: Nocturnal Emissions Self Help

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Potencialex, the most effective solution for Erectile Dysfunction

According to the Massachusetts Male Aging Study (MMAS), erectile dysfunction is the exception among men younger than 40, accounting for 2 percent.

In the age group between 40 and 70, however, more than half (52 percent) report erectile problems. In a German study on the prevalence of erectile dysfunction, nearly one in five (19.2 percent) of the 4,500 participants reported erectile dysfunction. Furthermore, the participants were asked whether they had experienced a erectile dysfunction in need of treatment.

One of the best natural solutions is Potencialex: Potencialex Original.

Erectile dysfunction – Risk Factors

There are several risk factors that can promote erectile dysfunction. These include diabetes mellitus, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and coronary artery disease (CAD), excessive alcohol consumption as well as coronary artery disease (CAD) and high blood pressure (arterial hypertension).

In addition, various diseases can be responsible for the occurrence of erectile dysfunction. These include, for example, a deficiency of the male sex hormone (testosterone), diseases of the central nervous system or mental illnesses (e.g. depression).

Medications can also trigger erectile dysfunction. These include medications for high blood pressure such as antidepressants. Last but not least, age-related benign enlargement of the prostate (BPH) is also a risk factor for developing erectile dysfunction.

Potencialex can be consumed without fear because its ingredients are totally natural: Potencialex.

How to counteract the potency problems?

To enable spontaneous and fulfilling sexuality even in old age, there are some ways to get rid of erection problems. Modern medicine has already developed some variants that allow to increase potency without side effects.

Erection pills

Pills to increase one’s potency are the classics among the remedies. The preparations are taken orally and are mostly free of side effects – provided that they are taken orally. side effects – provided that it is a natural means. They increase male potency by improving blood flow to the member, which results in blood builds up in the penis, resulting in an erection. The active ingredient in most oral sexual enhancers, such as capsules or tablets, are PDE-5 inhibitors.

These are able to block the enzyme phosphodiesterase-V, which disrupts blood flow, and thus increase potency. In the rarest cases it can occur with the In rare cases, when taking natural erection pills, mild side effects may occur, for example in the form of a cold.

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